IMO 規約(抜粋) (IMOのサイトに移動します)
- 第1.4項 The aims of the IMO are:(IMOの目的は)
- to discover, encourage and challenge mathematically gifted young people in all countries;(世界各国の数学に秀でた才能をもつ若者を見出し、励まし、才能を伸ばすこと)
- to foster friendly international relationships among mathematicians of all countries;
- to create an opportunity for the exchange of information on school syllabuses and practices throughout the world;(世界中の学校のシラバスや実践に関する情報交換の機会を提供すること)
- to promote mathematics generally.(数学全般を発展促進すること。)
- 第2.1項 Participation in an IMO is by invitation only. Each invited country (or territory in some exceptional cases approved by the IMO Board) is entitled to send a team consisting of up to six contestants, a Leader, and a Deputy Leader, to be known collectively as the participants.(招待された国だけがIMOへ参加することができる。招待された国(あるいは、IMOの理事会で承認されたいくつかの地域)は6人以下の選手と団長・副団長各1人からなる選手団を派遣することができる。)
- 第2.2項 A Country's Contestants should normally be citizens or residents of that Country, and should be selected through that Country's national Mathematical Olympiad or equivalent selection programme. Contestants must have been born less than twenty years before 1 July in the year of participation at the IMO. Contestants must have been normally enrolled in full-time primary or secondary education on or after 1 December in the year prior to the IMO, or, in the case of home-schooled students, must not have received a high-school diploma (or equivalent), and must be working toward such a credential on 1 December.
- 第2.3項 Observers, including family members, may apply to accompany the Participants. Observers may be:(オブザーバー(家族を含む)は選手に同行することができる。オブサーバーとは)
- Observer A, accompanying the Leader and residing at or near the Leaders's sites;(オブザーバーA:団長に同行し、団長と同じか近くの宿舎に滞在する)
- Observer B, accompanying the Deputy Leader and residing at or near the Deputy Leaders' sites;(オブザーバーB:副団長に同行し、副団長と同じか近くの宿舎に滞在する)
- Observer C, accompanying the contestants and residing at their site(オブザーバーC:選手に同行し、選手と同じ宿舎に滞在する)
- 第2.10項 団長の役割(省略)
- 第2.11項 副団長の役割(省略)
- 第4.1項 Each participating Country other than the Host Country is expected to submit up to six proposed problems, with solutions, to be received by the Problem Selection Committee no later than the date specified in the Annual Regulations. Only the Leader may submit the proposals, following a secure procedure. (主催国以外の参加各国は、各年度の実行規約に定められた日までに6問以内の問題を問題選択委員会に提案することができる。団長だけが以下(省略)の安全な手順に従って提出することができる。)
- 第4.2項 The proposals should, as far as possible, cover various fields of pre-university
mathematics and be of varying degrees of difficulty. They should be new and may not have been suggested for or used in any other mathematics competition.(提案する問題は、大学数学の範囲外の可能な限り多様な分野から、他の数学競技会で使われたことのない、様々な難易度の新しいものであること。)
- 第5.1項 The contest element of an IMO takes place on two consecutive days specified in the Annual Regulations, neither of which should normally be a Friday, Saturday or Sunday, under the direction of the Chief Invigilator appointed by the Host Organisation. On each day of the Contest the examination starts in the morning and lasts for four and a half hours. Each of the two examination papers consists of three problems(競技は、その年の規約で定められた連続する2日間(金・土・日・曜日以外)に、開催国が指名した主任監督の下で実施される。両日とも午前中に開始され、競技時間は4時間半である。両日とも問題は3問である。).
- 第5.4項 The only instruments permitted in the Contest are writing and drawing instruments, such as rulers and compasses. In particular, books, papers, tables, calculators, protractors, computers and communication devices are not allowed into the examination room. (競技会場に持ち込める道具類は定規・コンパス類だけである。書籍、論文、表、計算器、分度器、コンピュータ、通信機器の持ち込みは禁止である。)
- 第5.6項 The total number of prizes (first, second and third) must be approved by the Jury and must not exceed half the total number of Contestants unless this is approved by at least two thirds of the members of the Jury. The numbers of first, second and third prizes must be approximately in the ratio 1:2:3. (メダル(金・銀・銅)の総数は選手総数の半分以下とし(例外は、3分の2以上の賛成が必要である)、審判団が決定する。金、銀、銅の割合は1:2:3とする。注: 金メダル
は first prize、銀メダル
は second prize、銅メダル
は third prize がそれぞれの正式名称である。)
- 第5.8項 The prizes are awarded at the Closing Ceremony. Each Contestant who has not received a first, second or third prize receives a Certificate of Honourable Mention if he/she has received seven points for the solution of at least one problem. (表彰は閉会式において行う。メダルを獲得できなかった選手のうち、少なくとも1問以上の問題において7点取れた者には優秀賞
- 第5.10項 Participants and Observers consent to the publication of their names and photographs on the IMO website. Results may be anonymised and photographs removed on a request made by a Contestant at least two years after his or her final participation at the IMO. Such a request must be made through the registered IMO contact for that Contestant's Country. (参加者とオブザーバーは氏名と写真をIMOのサイトで公開することに同意すること。以下(氏名・写真の削除条件)略。)